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Strategic Initiatives 2015 to 2017

New concepts are often formed at the interface between different areas of research. That is why the FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland carries out interdisciplinary Strategic Initiatives to tackle the most pressing challenges currently facing society.

The population is getting older and older, there is a shortage of skilled scientific and technical workers, we need to take a sustainable approach to energy, and we must strengthen the Swiss economy’s competitive edge. The FHNW focused on these four topical issues in its 2015 to 2017 strategic initiatives.

The interdisciplinary approach taken in these initiatives saw staff at various universities collaborating on specific issues for the first time, allowing them to deal with issues in greater depth and to lay strong foundations for close interdisciplinary cooperation in future through the transfer of knowledge and expertise.

At the beginning of 2015, the University Board approved four initiatives that came to an end in late 2017.


Final publication Strategic Initiatives 15-17 (PDF, 1.76 MB)

The Initiatives

Alternde Gesellschaft

Die Schweiz weist eine der höchsten Lebenserwartungen in der Welt auf. Während immer mehr Menschen ein hohes Alter erreichen, bleibt die Geburtenrate niedrig.

to Alternde Gesellschaft

Energy Chance

Die Strategische Initiative «Energy Chance» stand im Zeichen einer der grössten gesellschaftlichen und globalen Herausforderungen, dem Thema Energie.

to Energy Chance


Naturwissenschaften und Technik durchdringen den Alltag, bringen Innovationen hervor und treiben die Wirtschaft zu Höchstleistungen an.

to EduNaT


Die Strategische Initiative «Unternehmertum» hatte das Ziel, das unternehmerische Denken und Handeln zu fördern.

to Unternehmertum

Strategic Initiatives 2018 to 2020

The FHNW will also be working on five projects from 2018 to 2020 to help come up with some groundbreaking solutions to pressing social issues.

More about the strategic initiatives 2018 to 2020