Meat Consumption in Switzerland


Who doesn't like a nice steak on the grill or a cervelat by the Fire? The average Swiss consumes around 70 kg of meat per year, but spares little thought about the resources needed and the environmental impact of meat production.
We'd like to share some insights in the matter and provide sophisticated data on the subject.

Meat Consumption per Year

First, let's have a look at the meat consumption per year in Switzerland.

As you can see in the Charts above, the total amount of meat consumed is rising while the average consumption per person has been steady for the last 15 years.

Meat Consumption per Type

In the piechart above you can see, that the swiss love their pork. But in recent years Poultry has gained popularity and supplies nearly a quarter of total meat consumed.

Environmental impact


(billion litres)





Mutton & Goat

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