Background and overview

On the basis of the collaboration-requirements elaborated in WP 1.1 the different projects partners have identified and evaluated a number of software including:

  • Sharepoint, Projectplace (FHNW)
  • Basecamp, Mahara, Moodle (SUPSI/FFHS)
  • Elgg, Open Atrium2, Buddypress (UNIGE, UNIFR)

The partners have determined the importance (weight) of the requirements/functions for the institutions (4=must, 1=would), and they have evaluated the extent to which a software meets the requirements (0=function does not exist; 3=function is fully supported). Also, a qualitative evaluation, i.e. a textual description and explanation, has been provided.

The results provide (a) an estimation of the each software for the university partner; and, more important (b) an tool (MS-Excel) with which further partners can weigh the respective functions and calculate the results according to their own institutional priorities.
