Weitere Beiträge

Biology, Environment

Linking microbial cultivation with NGS to degrade pharmaceutical waste products

Microbial communities have been identified as promising key-players for the biodegradation of pharmaceutical micropollutants such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen, which are continuously released into various environmental compartments, where they can persist. By using a combinatorial approach of bioinformatics (e.g. amplicon-seq, metagenomics), microbial cultivation and analytics, we are able to identify…

Biology, Environment

Differences in microbiota composition between cecum and feces in pig

The pig is an ideal model for the human digestive tract. Humans and pigs’ guts share anatomical and physiological similarities as well as microbial functionality. Pig feces samples are commonly used as proxy of microbial activity in the colon, while majority of fermentation processes occur in the cecum. In this…

Biology, Medicine

Clinical, Laboratory and Multi-Omics Data to Leverage Machine Learning for Personalized Diagnostics

Early and accurate disease diagnosis is crucial for stopping disease progression and identifying appropriate treatments, but precise diagnosis of autoimmune disease is notoriously challenging due to the non-specific symptoms: it can take 4 to 5 years and multiple visits to various physicians. However, an early and precise disease diagnosis is…

Biology, Processes

Analysis of Host Cell Proteins in Protein A Eluates of Therapeutic Proteins

Host cell proteins (HCPs) are one of the major process-related impurities of therapeutic protein production based on biological systems such as Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells. For clinical application of biopharmaceuticals, the control of HCP is crucial for product stability, product quality and patient safety. This project aims to focus…
