Scenarios UNIGE

Scenario 1Scenario 2Scenario 3Scenario 4
Scenario 5

Scenario 1: Collect and share resources –> See Requirement 1

John creates a “resources space” on the collaborative platform He sends the short registering URL to the group he is working with. Helen and Pete are John’s classmates. They receive the short link and get registered to the resources. They can use a bookmarklet that they can install in their browser to directly collect the links in the resources space as long as they visit them.

John has already assigned a few keywords to describe the space. Helen and Pete review them and add some. As soon as a few keywords have been assigned to the space, they get recommendations coming from places such as Zotero, Mendeley, Citeulike, Diigo, Twitter and a few others. They start exploring the recommendations and select some of them.
Whenever they select a reference and add it to the space, they have to select words from the reference content that are added as keywords to the bookmark.
Helen is reviewing the current bookmarks available in the space. She can explore them as a list, as a tag cloud or as a tags graph (keywords are connected by link when they are shared for the same bookmark) organized from the keywords assigned to the bookmarks. She adds a few keywords to some of the bookmarks. She also gives a positive vote for the bookmarks she find the most relevant and a negative one to a bookmark she finds out of the scope of their collect (for that negative vote, she has to provide a short statement to justify her vote).
Pete starts browsing the set of bookmarks that has been selected by the students’ team. He selects the ones he wants to keep that are immediately added to his own workspace. He also sorts them by order of importance. The bookmarks he selects are automatically added into a specific group in his bookmarks space with the same title and keywords from the shared resources group.
He can also compare his list with John and Helen’s ones. He browses the list of differences between his list and Helen’s one. He finally decides to add two more bookmarks from Helen’s list that he did not select at first glance.
As Helen has an account on Diigo, she pushes her list of bookmarks and integrates it in her Diigo account. She also directly adds the bookmarks to her Zotero personal database.
After writing their work report, Pete, Helen and John come back to the space and validate the references that they have finally really used in for their report.

Scenario 1b alternative with gamification): collect and share resources –> See Requirement 1

When Helen selects a bookmark, she gets a notification that another student has already selected it. Therefore, she will get fewer points for this bookmark. She is also offered to play against the other student by comparing the keywords she will select with the ones she will select. According to the keywords she chooses for the bookmark compared with the ones that have already been assigned, she gets some more points.

At the end of the share collect, each student gets a score and students can compare their results.

Scenario 2: With augmented reality application: collect and share resources –> See Requirement 2

John just finds a good video on YouTube that illustrates one of the concepts described in one slide of the course of “database engineering”. He wants to share it with the other students following the course. He opens his AR bookmarks app and simply takes a photo of the corresponding diagram in the slide. He then associates the video to the photo by providing the YouTube video id. Finally, he forwards the new augmented bookmark to the course channel of bookmarks.
When Lucy opens her AR bookmarks app, she starts browsing the slides of the “database engineering” course one by one through the camera of her smartphone. When she reaches the slides that John has previously bookmarked, the app recognizes the diagram, and a sound notification is played. The video is overlaid on the smartphone screen on the top of the slide. As the video has really helped her to understand the diagram, she bookmarked it in her browser, she indicates that the video is interesting and gives it a 5 stars mark.

Scenario 3: Collect and share administrative and local information –> See Requirement 2

John is a PhD student at the University of Geneva since 6 months. Since he arrived, once a week he writes down all the administrative activities he has achieved. Every time he describes the activity, indicates when since his arrival, where and bookmarks the relevant information page from the University web or any other official web sites. Today he describes how he has submitted his PhD topic to the Faculty of Social and Economic Science. He then reviews the “PhD submission” process timeline with all the milestones he has already described. As the process is already quite advanced, he decides to push the timeline into the knowledge base. He selects the most important milestone and then publishes the timeline and associates it to the “PhD submission” topic.
July is just arriving at the University of Geneva. She has to register at the Faculty of Social and Economics Science for her PhD but she does not how to proceed. She connects to the PhD knowledge base and selects the “PhD submission” topic from the tags cloud of topics in the knowledge base. She can review the list of contributors and for each one check the level of completion for the topic activity. She selects John’s timeline because John has assigned a good “satisfaction” mark to it. She picks some of John’s milestones that are automatically integrated into her agenda.

Scenario 4: Developing peer-evaluation activities –> See Requirement 3

Peter connects to his dashboard. He can see the list of all the courses in which he is registered as a global schedule. He can have an overall view which gives for example a list of all the deadlines for all courses for which he is registered by chronological order. He can also refer to its current form of a schedule which gives the times and venues. By clicking on one of the courses, he finds himself directly in the space of course. He can choose between the personal view or the view of the collective space of the course. The first shows him only the information which relates to the course, the second is a collective space for exchange and collaboration in which he can see contributions of other students, teachers and assistants.
He sees a notification that tells him he must soon make work for a course, but Peter has a problem with one of the class exercises. He throws a warning indicating the name of the course, the theme, a link to the coursework and a brief description of the problem.
When Julie in turn connects to the dashboard, she receives a notification that Peter seeks help. This notification was sent because she has shown in the list of her skills the theme on which Peter asked his question. Julie can see Peter’s question and offer an explanation. She can choose to submit it anonymously, with her pseudonym or with her real name. This time, she choose to submit it anonymously.

When Peter reconnects, he receives a notification that he has received two responses to his request for assistance. He consults both valid responses. One of the answers is anonymous, but he can check the reputation of the author. As he sees that the anonymous author has already successfully helped other students, he validates Julie’s response is one that allows him to solve his problem.

Rudolph, the course assistant connects to the dashboard, he receives notification of request to help Pierre, the two responses he has received. Checking the status of Peter, he finds that he does not require more help. He takes note of the responses received and valid that Julie’s one is correct after adding some comments. He can see the real name of the authors’ of all answers, even the ones that have been submitted anonymously. The question and the answer once validated are automatically made available to all other students taking the course. If another student uses the Julie’s reply, he/she can also validate it as useful. July has now sufficiently validated responses on the topic concerned so that her expertise on the subject can be confirmed. She receives a badge that officially and publicly validate her skill for this topic.
Now that Peter understood the course, he can finish his work to file in the workspace of the course. As he is not sure of himself, he asked for feedback on his published work. This request shall be notified in the respective spaces of course students and teaching staff.
Louis and Helen, students of the same course, decide to read the work of Pierre and record several comments in the online paper proposing possible improvements.
Peter receives a notification about comments Louis and Helen. The platform manages the versioning of documents by associating with each version the comments taken into account. For the new version of its paper, Pierre select comments that it responds. Pierre may choose to submit new versions to students that have made comments so that they can assess how Peter took into account their comments.
At the end of the semester the professor of the course opens a dashboard that monitors Julies’s peer activities. She reviews Julie’s progress during the semester and activity indicators that evaluate Julie’s engagement and relevance. As Julie has been particularly active this semester and other students have acknowledged most of her contributions, she decides to give her a 6 in participation for the course.

Scenario 5:  BA/MA project report –> See Requirement 4

John is supervising a few bachelor projects during the spring semester. He connects to and gets the notifications that Louis, one of the bachelor students he is supervising, has submitted a new revision of his project report. John checks the report. While browsing it, he can see his previous comments and requests and the corresponding updates are immediately highlighted in the report. For some of the updates a text window is popping up with the comments, remarks and questions of the students. According to the colour codes, John can easily review the comments/requests that the Louis has addressed and the ones that are still in work or not addressed at all. For one of the request, Louis has set a red flag, to indicate that he does not understand John’s request. John adds a few more indications for this particular request. John then validates Louis’ updates and closes the corresponding requests. He also adds a few more requests for updates and save the new revision.
Louis gets a notification that John has recently reviewed the latest version of his report. He opens the document dashboard and gets the list of update requests made by John. He clicks on one of the request and immediately the report is opened at the corresponding location. As he wants to work on the report in the train where he does not have a wireless access, he exports the report in Open Office format and save it on his laptop. During the journey in train, he opens the Open Office document and can see John’s requests as comments. He spends around half an hour to update the document. When he arrives at home, he uploads the Open Office document in his report space on A new version is immediately created as a revision of the former one. After Louis’ validation, the new version is notified to John.
Few days later, once the report is finalized, Louis pushes it on his e-portfolio and save his bibliography into the shared space so that next students will be able to get access to this bibliography if their project is on the same topic. John outputs the report in epub format to read it on his tablet in the plane to a conference in Sweden for the final evaluation.
