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Collaboration and coordination in palliative care. The case of Switzerland.

Inter-professional collaboration and coordination of services are essential for high quality in palliative care. Within the NRP 74 “smarter health care” this study aims to provide knowledge how to improve collaboration and coordination amongst palliative care providers in Switzerland.

Palliative care is based on the collaboration of a number of professionals and institutions in the healthcare sector and beyond. However, collaboration and coordination within the primary palliative care sector, as well as between primary and specialized care have yet to be studied in order to provide detailed knowledge of effective models in this field.

Starting from a well-known concept for the evaluation of health care services, this study examines some core prerequisites for high-quality in palliative care. It focuses on central aspects of care processes, namely community related and organizational conditions for collaboration between providers as well as providers and family of patients, or key roles in the coordinating of tasks and responsibilities between care providers.

The study reveals a number of possibilities for further improvements in palliative care in Switzerland, which can be addressed at the political level, in education and training and not least in everyday care.

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Project Dates

Lead and Team
Prof. Dr. Brigitte Liebig,, Eveline Degen, Emily Reeves, Reka Schweighoffer
Swiss National Science Foundation (NRP 74 Smarter Health Care;
1 June 2017 – 30 June 2020
Palliative Care in der Schweiz - Die Perspektive der Leistungserbringenden (in german)
  • Reeves, E., Schweighoffer, R. & Liebig, B. (2020). An investigation of the challenges to coordination at the interface of primary and specialized palliative care services in Switzerland: A qualitative interview study, Journal of Interprofessional Care, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2020.1724085
  • Schweighoffer, R., Reeves, E. & Liebig, B. (2020). Collaborative Networks in Primary and Specialized Palliative Care in Switzerland - Perspectives of Doctors and Nurses, The Open Public Health Journal, 13 (1), 36-43, DOI: 10.2174/1874944502013010036