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Prof. Dr. Martin Kuentz

Prof. Dr. Martin Kuentz

Prof. Dr. Martin Kuentz

Tätigkeiten an der FHNW

 Dozent Pharmatechnologie


Martin Kuentz teaches at the School of Life Sciences on the bachelor level a course on industrial processes in the life sciences. This first semester course is mainly about the processes in drug discovery, development, scale-up, and manufacturing of active compounds.

Another course on the bachelor level is about the chemistry and pharmaceutical profiling of active compounds.  Martin Kuentz also teaches on special topics in quality management and registration and he takes part in a master module where he lectures on poorly water soluble drugs and on how these compounds can be formulated orally.

Prof. Kuentz has attended several courses in University didactics and gained a certificate from the University of Basel (2008), which is part of the habilitation program.


Institut für Pharma Technology

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW Hochschule für Life Sciences Institut für Pharma Technology Hofackerstrasse 30 4132 Muttenz
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