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Module description - Developing English 2 (Basic)

ECTS 2.0
Level B1 / B2
Overview The goal of the language and communication programs in the School of Engineering is to provide engineers with the communication skills they need to become and remain competitive. Because English is used so extensively in science and international business, the English program aims to build comprehensive language competence by developing the key skills - listening, speaking, reading, and writing - in a rounded way.
Our goal is to enable students to work with English-language materials and to interact with colleagues, customers and scientific peers in both formal and informal contexts, ranging from small talk and casual written correspondence to presentations and technical reports.
The Developing English modules are designed to improve students’ general English skills in order to help them to communicate more confidently and more effectively.
Learning objectives Developing English is a two-level English course which covers general and academic English and develops knowledge and skills that students need to learn and succeed in a globalized world.
Upon successful completion of the module, participants will be able to:

  • understand general and subject-specific texts
  • produce coherent and detailed texts (letters, emails) on a variety of subjects, in connected prose
  • to give more complex explanations and reasons for opinions, plans and actions
  • follow and contribute to conversational exchanges, identifying both the general message and specific details
  • develop the ability to locate and process specific information in more complexwritten and oral forms

Previous knowledge Entry based on placement test or successful completion of Developing English 1. Language level B1/B2.
Exam format Continuous assessment grade
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