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Module description - Project 5 Engineering and Management
(Projekt 5 Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen)

Module head Jörg Lagemann, +41 56 202 72 19, am9lcmcubGFnZW1hbm5AZmhudy5jaA==
ECTS 6.0
Aspiration level analyze, calculate, determine, judge, clarify, modify, describe, draw, develop.
Learning objectives The students are capable to launch an ambitious project, to create a project application, to agree on project goals with the project sponsor, to develop a project organization, to develop a risk analysis, to adapt the principles of the project team organization, to apply project management means, to write a project progress report, to reach agreed project goals, to carry out a project conclusion, to evaluate their project (path, methods and results).
Summary The project focuses on contents from the chosen specialization courses. The students work in project teams with app. 2 members. The complexity of the task is in line with the aspiration level of the last study year of a bachelor education at the School of Engineering.
Previous knowledge Modules Project 1, Project 2, Project 3 and Project 4
Performance assessment displaced module test No displaced module test. Differentiated judgement on project results, on chosen approach as well as of the chosen methods. Hearing.
Date 25. Juli 2007 / Dieter Fischer
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