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Modulbeschreibung - English 1

Leitung Andrew Brown, YW5kcmV3LmJyb3duQGZobncuY2g= (Modulverantwortlicher
James McMenamin (Unterrichtende)
ECTS 3.0
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Lernziele/Kompetenzen Subject-related skills: understand and produce intermediate spoken and written English of a general nature and specific to their field of study. Develop the ability to read and process written scientific texts and use the information contained therein as the basis for discussion and written assignments. Methodological skills: acquire appropriate study tools and techniques, access internal and external resources, analyse and solve problems and evaluate results. Social skills: work alone and with others in various capacities and provide, accept and deal with criticism. Personal skills: assess and build on their own work and that of others and understand its significance in the wider context; accept responsibility.
  • " Basic = consolidation and expansion of basic grammar and vocabulary in progressively varied written and spoken contexts (Level B1 - B2, European Language Portfolio)
  • Intermediate = consolidation and expansion of intermediate grammar and vocabulary in progressively varied written and spoken contexts (Level B2, European Language Portfolio)

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Level B1, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = PET; recommended for FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade C); TBM Note 4.
Students who do not have the required minimum B1 level must regularly attend the Brush-Up course throughout the first year.
Modultyp Pflichtmodul
Leistungsbewertung Semesterschlussprüfung schriftlich (50%) und Vorschlagsnote (50%)
Bemerkungen Students must acquire 6 Credits = 2 Modules, 3 Credits each. A choice of 3 Modules is offered:
1. Basic = Level B1 - B2, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = PET; FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade C); TBM Note 4.
2. Intermediate = Level B2, European Language Portfolio
(Cambridge Exams = FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade B)
3. Advanced = Level C1, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade A; CAE or BEC Higher: Grade B or C).
According to their level and their results in the Placement Test, students may either attend English 1 Basic in the 3rd Semester and then English 2 Intermediate in the 4th Semester or attend English 2 Intermediate in the 3rd Semester and then English 3 Advanced in the 4th Semester. Students with a certified minimum B2 level (FCE: Grade A; CAE; Proficiency) will be awarded the Intermediate Credits automatically. Students with a certified minimum C1 level (CAE: Grade A or B; Proficiency) will be awarded the Advanced Credits automatically
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