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Modulbeschreibung - English 2

Leitung Andrew Brown, YW5kcmV3LmJyb3duQGZobncuY2g= (Modulverantwortlicher)
James McMenamin (Unterrichtende)
ECTS 3.0
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Lernziele/Kompetenzen Subject-related skills: understand and produce pre-intermediate to intermediate spoken and written English of a general nature and specific to their field of study.
Methodological skills: acquire appropriate study tools and techniques; access internal and external resources; analyse and solve problems; evaluate results.
Social skills: work alone and with others in various capacities; provide, accept and deal with criticism. Personal skills: assess and build on their own work and that of others; understand its significance in the wider
context; accept responsibility.
  • " Intermediate = consolidation and expansion of intermediate grammar and vocabulary in spoken contexts (Level B2, European Language Portfolio)
  • Advanced = consolidation and expansion of intermediate to advanced grammar and vocabulary in spoken contexts (Level C1, European Language Portfolio)

Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Level B2, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = PET; recommended for FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade C); TBM Note 4.
Students who do not have the required minimum B1 level must regularly attend the Brush-Up course throughout the first year.
Leistungsbewertung Semesterschlussprüfung schriftlich (30%), mündlich (50%) und Vorschlagsnote (20%)
Bemerkungen Students must acquire 6 Credits = 2 Modules, 3 Credits each. A choice of 3 Modules is offered:
1. Basic = Level B1 - B2, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = PET; FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade C); TBM Note 4.
2. Intermediate = Level B2, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade B)
3. Advanced = Level C1, European Language Portfolio (Cambridge Exams = FCE or BEC Intermediate: Grade A; CAE or BEC Higher: Grade B or C).
According to their level and their results in the Placement Test, students may either attend English 1 Basic in the 3rd Semester and then English 2 Intermediate in the 4th Semester or attend English 2 Intermediate in the 3rd Semester and then English 3 Advanced in the 4th Semester. Students with a certified minimum B2 level (FCE: Grade A; CAE; Proficiency) will be awarded the Intermediate Credits automatically. Students with a certified minimum C1 level (CAE: Grade A or B; Proficiency) will be awarded the Advanced Credits automatically
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