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Module description - Data-Driven Business Models
(Datengestützte Geschäftsmodelle)

ECTS 2.0
Level Basic
Content Business models show how value is created for customers and the company and how the revenue is generated. In recent years, business models have become much more important in practice. This is particularly the case because business model in-novation is meanwhile regarded as an essential factor for the long-term success of a company. The increasing digitalization is seen as a key driver for the emergence of new, often data-driven business models. This module not only offers the opportuni-ty to learn relevant business model types using examples of established companies. Rather, it also enables students to learn practical methods and tools to develop their own data-driven business models.
Learning outcomes Analyzing (data-driven) business models
  • Students can apply relevant concepts, methods, and tools to analyze business models of organizations.
  • Students apply extant business model typologies to classify and evaluate the analyzed business models.

Developing (data-driven) business models
  • Students can apply relevant concepts, methods, and tools to change extant business models and develop data-driven business models.

Evaluation Mark
Modultype Portfolio Module
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