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Module description - Foundation in Data Visualisation
(Grundkompetenz Datenvisualisierung)

ECTS 3.0
Level Basic
Content Data visualization makes it possible to analyze and communicate large and complex datasets. For this it is essential to present the data in a way that is truthful regarding the perceptual and cognitive abilities of the target public. The choice of a presentation needs to consider the task of the reader, the available data and the limitations of the final format. If a visualization design is successful needs to be evaluated formally.
Learning outcomes Chart types
The students know common chart types and they know for which types of data and for which tasks they are most appropriate.

Visual perception
The students know the strengths and weaknesses of different visual variables such as color and position. This knowledge guides their design choices.

Design principles
The students know basic design principles from layout, typography and color. They use this knowledge in their visualization designs.

Grammar of graphics tools
The students know of to deconstruct different chart types according to the grammar of graphics. They can reconstruct them in a tool like Vega-Lite, ggplot2 or Tableau.

The students know how to evaluate their visualization designs and can condense their findings into a new iteration of their design.
Evaluation Mark
Built on the following competences Exploratory Data Analysis
Modultype Portfolio Module
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