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Module description - Tutorial Communication English
(Fachcoaching Kommunikation Englisch)

ECTS 0.0
Level Basic
Content An English level of B2 is required for the bachelor's degree program in Data Science. Students who have not yet reached this level receive English language support so that they can improve their language skills accordingly.

In addition, all students of the Data Science program can attend the course (even more than once) to receive subject-specific coaching and support in English.
Learning outcomes Reading
The ability to use strategies to understand general and specialised texts in English, including the ability to locate and process specific information in more complex written and spoken forms.

The ability to write coherent and detailed texts on a variety of topics in connected prose at B2 level.

The ability to follow a conversation and contribute to identifying both the general message and specific details, and to provide (complex) explanations and justifications for opinions, plans and actions at B2 level.
Evaluation Testate
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