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dihei unterwägs

Education for Sustainable Development in the Third Phase of Life


The association «dihei unterwägs» develops participating projects for older people in their region. With the help of excursions and events the identification with the region, the understanding of nature and its processes as well as the recognition of problem areas in the region are to be promoted. Excursions will be conducted in and around Wädenswil. «dihei unterwägs» motivates older people on excursions for local and non-profit concerns. At the end of the event concrete possibilities will be shown how the participants can get involved themselves; be it politically, in their own garden or for charitable projects. «dihei unterwägs» supports and advises the participants in their commitment. Thus this association is to help to reach most diverse lastingness goals with the Bottom UP beginning.

dihei unterwägs Team