
Ultra-red (established 1994) is an international sound-art collective consisting of various members who are involved in activist movements. Ultra-red has launched militant sound investigations in social movements such as HIV/AIDS justice, housing, anti-racism, struggles of migration, radical education, and resistance to the war on the poor. Protocols for collective listening guide the group’s exchanges between art and political organizing.

Als Audio-Aktions-Kollaborationsplattform propagiert, implementiert und publiziert Ultra-Red partizipative Strategien des Zuhörens, Erinnerns, Erzählens und Vermittelns.

“Listening is never natural. It requires and generates literacy. Since it puts subjects into relation with each other and with the world, listening has the potential to contribute significantly to the constitution of collectivity.” (Five Protocols for Organized Listening, 2011).


Schriften, Dokumente
(z.T. veraltete Links)


Sehr empfehlenswert sind die 9 Workbooks von Ultra-red. “The booklet set covers five years of sound investigations between 2010 and 2014, in a set of lovely booklets in our favorite half-letter format. This collection includes hundreds of pages of information, thought, listening session instructions, and so much more. A must for audio artists, activists working with sound, groups, and you!” Als PDF für $10 erhältlich:

Five Protocols for Organized Listening, 2011. Workbook #2 als kostenlosen Download:

Practice Sessions, 2014. Workbook #9 als kostenlosen Download:

Public Record, the internet-based archive of the Ultra-red organization established for the distribution of work by Ultra-red members and allies.
