Veranstaltungsorte, Hintergrundinformationen

Veranstaltungsorte und Radioarchive mit zeitgenössischem Hörspiel

Hintergrundinformation Sound und Listening

  • Wer Ohren hat zu hören – Variationen über eine Wahrnehmungsform. 6 Stunden. Hörpunkt SRF2 Kultur vom 2.2.2018ören
  • A Short History Of Acoustic Ecology by Chris Wood, Camara Miller, Nathan Clarkson, 2013. Dauer: 28:11
  • Holger Schulze: Abenteuer im Klang — Eine Forschungsreise zu Gestaltern, Klangkünstlern und Wissenschaftlern. Feature für Deutschlandradio Kultur Berlin. Teil I, 8. Juli 2011: Sound & The Studio / Teil 2, 6. April 2012: Sound & The Senses.
  • Adel Wang Jing: AFFECTIVE LISTENING: China’s Experimental Music and Sound Art Practice. Journal of Sonic Studies, 02 (2018)
  • SoundEffects – An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience is a peer-reviewed online journal that brings together a plurality of theories, methodologies, and historical approaches applicable to sound as both mediated and unmediated experience.
  • Seismograf. Dänisches Online Magazin, das sich zeitgenössichen Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb der Sound Arts widmet. Seismograf veröffentlicht regelmässig peer-reviewed Audio Papers.
  • Journal of Sonic Studies. Open Access journal, platform for theorists and artists who investigate the impact and importance of sound, both on an individual and a general cultural level.
  • Sound Studies Lab. An extensive collection of blogs, research projects, courses, workshops, studies and links on sonic field research, critical analysis and sonic artefacts, edited by Holger Schulze.
  • Listening Across Disciplines. Listening Across Disciplines II (LxDII) is a research project that investigates the potential of listening as a legitimate and reliable methodology for research across the arts and humanities and into science, social science and technology. The research team is based at London College of Communication University of the Arts London and University of Southampton. Dr Salomé Voegelin, Professor of Sound is the principal investigator. Dr Anna Barney, Professor in Biomedical Acoustic Engineering is the co-investigator.
  • Salomé Voegelin is an artist, writer and researcher engaged in listening as a socio-political practice of sound. Her work and writing deal with sound, the world sound makes: its aesthetic, social and political realities that are hidden by the persuasiveness of a visual point of view.,,