Flavia Caviezel
Flavia Caviezel
PI/Senior Researcher und Dozentin IXDM/CML
With a background in ethnography, film studies, constitutional law and documentary-essayistic video practice Flavia is researching, teaching and publishing on border issues, ecologies, new materialism, non-linear presentation formats and on methods and procedures. Transdisciplinary collaborations at the intersection of artistic-scientific practice are characteristic for her work, as in her research projects RhyCycling and Times of Waste.
Her artistic activities include documentary and essayistic video works and installations for international festivals and exhibitions, which led her to residencies and study visits in Australia, China, Laos, Mali, and to different countries of the Americas and Europe.
She worked for many years at the Zurich University of the Arts and other universities, since 2007 as PI/senior researcher and lecturer at the Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures/Critical Media Lab (IXDM/CML), interim co-heading the CML (2021-22) and heading Continuing Education IXDM from 2021-23.
For further details see:
Peer Reviewed Articles and Conference Contributions
- RhyCycling – Fluid Borderland. Proceedings of the Conference Electronic Visualisation and the Arts EVA. London 2013, p. 310-311.
- Collaboration. A conversation between Sabine Hagmann and Flavia Caviezel conducted via Skype about the research and exhibition project RhyCycling. In: Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, Spring 2014, Vol. 10 No 01.
- RhyCycling – Fluid Borderland. Processes of Knowledge Creation. Conference Paper. In: ISEA2014 Dubai. Location. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Electronic Art, 2015, S. 76-82.
- Traces of Waste – A Site-Specific Audio Walk. Vortrag/Audiowalk mit Besuch E-Waste-Recyclingstätte. 4S/EASST Barcelona, Science & Technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures: 31.08.-3.9.2016.
- Immersion, Agency and Cultural Imaginaries: The changing forms of documentary arts in research, education and the public sphere. American Anthropological Association Washington/USA, 29.11.-3.12.17. Preparation of roundtable/panel in collaboration with Roderick Coover, Kate Hennessy, Jesse Jackson, Robert Willim, Julie Chu.
- Performing the Gap. 10th International Conference of the Society of Artistic Research SAR, ZHdK 21.-23.3.2019. https://sar2019.zhdk.ch/
- Ökologische Form der Zusammenarbeit. In: Stefan Groth, Christian Ritter (Hgg.). Zusammen arbeiten. Bielefeld: Transcript, 2019:297-336.
Peer Reviewed Monographs
- Matthias Vogel, Ulrich Binder, Flavia Caviezel. Das Menschenbild im Bildarchiv. Zur Funktion und Qualität von Schweizer Fotoarchiven. Zürich: Limmat Verlag 2005.
- Richard Feurer, Jörg Huber & Matthias Michel in Zusammenarbeit mit Flavia Caviezel, Renate Menzi & Christian Ritter. GEPFLEGT:KRASS. BrandBody&Soul. Berlin: Gestalten Verlag 2008.
- Flavia Caviezel, Markus Schwander (Ed.). Eighty-Seven Questions on Artistic Research. Basel: Swiss Artistic Research Network (SARN), 2015.
- Flavia Caviezel, Priska Gisler. All we need is (Art) Research? Basel: Swiss Artistic Research Network (SARN), 2015.
Edited Volumes
- Martin Wiedmer, Flavia Caviezel (Ed.). Design Fiction. Perspektiven für die Forschung in Kunst und Design. Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH 2009.
- Flavia Caviezel, Beate Florenz, Melanie Franke, Jörg Wiesel (Ed.). Forschungsskizzen. Einblicke in Forschungspraktiken der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 2013.
Articles in Collections
- Mehr als tausend Worte? Über den Einsatz audio-visueller Medien in der Forschung. In: 31. Das Magazin des Instituts für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst, 2004, Nr. 5.
- Flavia Caviezel, Susanna Kumschick. Jenseits des Sagbaren – Grenzgänge im Flughafen Zürich. In: 31. Das Magazin des Instituts für Theorie der Gestaltung und Kunst 2005, Nr. 6/7.
- Alphaville revisited. Audiovisuelle Szenarien und Öffentlichkeit. In: Martin Wiedmer, Flavia Caviezel (Ed.). Design Fiction. Perspektiven für die Forschung in Kunst und Design. Norderstedt: Books on Demand GmbH 2009, S. 37-45.
- Negotiating futures. Introduction to the 1st conference day. In: Negotiating futures – Design Fiction. Proceedings of the 6th Swiss Design Network Conference Basel 2010, p. 18-19.
- Flavia Caviezel, Susanna Kumschick. Check on Arrival – Transit im Grenzraum ‚Flughafen Zürich’. In: Barbara Emmenegger, Monika Litscher (Ed.). Perspektiven zu öffentlichen Räumen. Theoretische und praxisbezogene Beiträge aus der Stadtforschung. Interact 2011, S. 104-139.
- Roderick Coover with Pat Badani, Flavia Caviezel, Mark Marino, Nitin Sawhney and William Uricchio. Digital Technologies, Visual Research and the Non-Fiction Image. In: Sarah Pink (Ed.). Advances in Visual Methodology. Sage 2012, p. 191-208.
- einmischen irritieren entfesseln. Forschung an Kunsthochschulen und ihr Bezug zur Öffentlichkeit. In: Flavia Caviezel, Beate Florenz, Melanie Franke, Jörg Wiesel (Ed.). Forschungsskizzen. Einblicke in Forschungspraktiken der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW. Zürich: Scheidegger & Spiess 2013, S. 8-15.
- Modes of Collaboration. A conversation between Sabine Hagmann and Flavia Caviezel conducted via Skype about the research and exhibition project RhyCycling. In: Media-N, Journal of the New Media Caucus, Spring 2014, Vol. 10 No 01. Online: http://median.newmediacaucus.org/art-infrastructures-hardware/4118-2/
- Deep Involvement: On Transformation Processes Related to the RhyCycling Project. In: Wolfgang Jonas et al. (Ed.), Transformation Design, Basel: Birkhäuser/BIRD, 2016, S. 43-60.
- Flavia Caviezel, Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart. Metals never die. In: Johannes Bruder et al. (Ed.), Lost & Found, continent, issue 5.1 2016: 11-13. http://continentcontinent.cc/index.php/continent
- Flavia Caviezel, Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart. Times of Waste. In: Linda Kronman, Andreas Zingerle (Ed.), Behind the Smart World – saving, deleting and resurfacing data, Linz: servus.at, 2016: 68-79. http://publications.servus.at/2016-Behind_the_Smart_World/html/rttowtow.html
- Flavia Caviezel, Ina Dietzsch, Brigitte Lustenberger. Arbeiten an den Grenzen. Reflexionen über ein interdisziplinäres Lehr- und Lernprojekt zwischen Kunst und Kulturanthropologie im trinationalen Raum. In: Jacques Picard, Silvy Chakkalakal, Silke Andris (Ed.). Grenzen aus Kulturwissenschaftlichen Perspektiven. Berlin: Panama, 2016: 134-156.
- Impossible Escapes – Evasive Strategies, Elusive Procedures, and Evacuation Plans. In collaboration with Jamie Allen, Johannes Bruder, Moritz Greiner-Petter, Shintaro Miyazaki, Yvonne Volkart (Critical Media Lab Basel); developped/distributed in collaboration with Neural magazine und transmediale Festival Berlin. In: Neural, #56, Winter 2016/17. https://www.ixdm.ch/portfolio/impossible-escapes/
- DOING Research. In: What is a Method? Online publication Critical Media Lab Basel 2021 https://criticalmedialab.ch/what-is-a-method/doing-research
- Toxische Überreste des Sammelns. In: Nina Samuel, Felix Sattler (Ed.). Museale Reste. Bildwelten des Wissens. De Gruyter 18/2022: 69-78. https://www.degruyter.com/document/doi/10.1515/9783110733372-009/html
- Tracing Toxicity, Following Routes and Temporalities of a Collection Vintage Car’s Contaminants by Artistic Research Practices. In: Troubles dans les collections (online journal), 07/September 2024 https://troublesdanslescollections.fr.
Non-academic Publications
- Die Fallen der Interautorschaft. In: DU. Die Zeitschrift der Kultur. Heft Nr. 700, 1999, S. XIV-XVI.
- The relativity of boundaries: art, technology and visual culture. Essay on the webbased work Where are you from_ Stories by Pat Badani. In: ART PAPERS Magazine, Atlanta/USA, Vol. 32, No 2, March/April 2008, p. 34-39.
- Flavia Caviezel, Sabine Hagmann (Ed.). Blackbox. Publikation zur gleichnamigen Veranstaltungsreihe über Kreations- und Produktionsprozesse in Kunst und Design, Tallin/Zürich, 2012.
- Text essays on competition projects of the Schweizerische Verband Künste für Kinder und Jugendliche. In: Kunst schafft Wissen: Ideen für eine Bildung durch Kunst und Kultur 2013.
- wastescapes – an audio walk in the trinational Basel border area. Port area and solar ferry; different walks from Spring 17 until Summer 18; a in collaboration with the research team 2015-17 developped solution on the basis of open source technology, in order to deal with the volatile GPS signal.
https://github.com/thgie/soundscapes / (open source licence)
- For detailed information see as well https://flaviacaviezel.ch
Video work for festivals, exhibitions, TV
- 1991: Bäcki bleibt S-VHS, 57 min., production: SfG Bern and Zurich, co-production of Verein der Freundinnen von Punst und Kolitik (VFPuK)
- 1993: Hier ist schön U-matic HB SP, 59 sec., production: SfG Bern
- 1993: La historia dil Segnes U-matic HB SP, 22 min., 1993, production: SfG Bern
- 1994: Oben bleibt niemand Beta SP, 12 min., production: University Bern
- 1996: s/top U-matic LB, Loop, production: The Videots, b/order U-matic LB, Loop, production: The Videots
- 1998: Sukkhapab – Gesundheit Beta SP, 26 min., production: The Videots/Artefakt. Mandate and funding by the Swiss Red Cross
- 1998: In C U-matic LB, 39 min., production: The Videots. In collaboration with Franco Mettler and 20 musicians
- 1999: liminality Beta SP, 14 min., production: The Videots/Videocompany
- 2001: sur cunfins. dunnas ad alp Beta SP, 24 min., produced for Swiss Television (Televisiun Rumantscha), in collaboration with Videocompany Zofingen
- 2003: so close so far away Mini DV, 4 min. (Loop), production: Canberra School of Art/AUS
- 2003: firefighter [after work] Mini DV, 3:30 min. (Loop), production: Canberra School of Art/AUS
- 2004: h(i)er oder Mini-DV, 6 min., performance with video projections. Co-production with K.Ä.laboration
- 2004/11: #1-21 Luminous element, video stills (DV), 150 cm x 24 cm x 6cm
- 2006: Check on Arrival – Grenzraum im Fluss DV video (90 min.) / photos / graphics etc., interactive installation, production: Videocompany/ZHdK. In collaboration with Susanna Kumschick. Project partners: V2_Lab Rotterdam, Videocompany Zofingen
- 2007: Alicudi 38.5°N/14.3°E Mini-DV, 5 min.
- 2007: Mount of India DVD, 31 min., production: ZHdK/K3000
- 2012: RhyCycling – Grenzraum im Fluss HD video (110 min.) / sound essays (31 min.) / quotations / graphics etc., interactive installation, production: Tweaklab. In collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart and many others.
Further exhibitions – 2013: Bündner Kunstmuseum (Year-end exhibition), NATUR Basel, experimenta Basel, Umwelttage Basel, Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Conference London (conference exhibition), Internationale Bauausstellung IBA Basel 2020 (project show); 2014: International Ethnographic Film Festival Göttingen (installation); 2015: Material demonstrator http://explore-rhycycling.ixdm.ch in collaboration with web designer Samuel Hanselmann - 2017: Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt. Museum der Kulturen Basel. Video projections, sound essay and soundscape, metallic object, exhibition booklet (german/english). Production: HGK Basel; in collaboration with the research team: Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, Sonia Malpeso, and many others.
Exhibitions 2018-20 at Stedman Gallery Rutgers University-Camden, New Jersey/ Philadelphia/USA (group show), Gewerbemuseum Winterthur/CH, Haus zur Glocke Steckborn/CH (group show), Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin/DE. https://times-of-waste.ch/de/ausstellung/
Lectures, Presentations
In the context of the research project Toxic Leftovers
- Project presentation Toxic leftovers at exhibition meeting of the cluster research project Object Space Agency, Tieranatomisches Theater Berlin 7.12.2021.
- Toxische Überreste des Sammelns, colloquium Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik HZK and Center for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage CARMAH, 24.6.22 https://www.carmah.berlin/events/11008/
- Challenging Objectification - towards living practices, roundtable discussion together with Ariane Theveniaud, Chantal Umuhoza, Lotte Arndt (moderation) at the conference Conservations divergentes - Préservation et transmission des collections de provenance coloniale en débat, Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art INHA Paris, 12.12.2022. https://agenda.inha.fr.
In the context of the research project RhyCycling
- Balance-Unbalance Conference, Noosa/Australien, 2.6.2013 (Skype lecture)
- Electronic Visualisation and the Arts Conference, London, 30.7.2013
- Research Workshop Gestaltungskriterien beim dokumentarischen Interview, ZHdK, 4.10.2013
- Hochschule für Wirtschaft FHNW Basel, 10.12.2013
- International Ethnographic Film Festival Göttingen, 31.5.2014
- RhyCycling – Fluid Borderland. Processes of Knowledge Creation. ISEA Dubai 2014, paper presentation, 5.11.14
- Deep Involvement. Zu Wissenskreation und Transformation im Kontext des Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekts RhyCycling. Institute Cultural Studies at the University of Koblenz, colloquium, 4.2.2015
- Querdenken: Ästhetik der Nachhaltigkeit: Wissenskreation und Transformationsprozesse im Kontext des Forschungs- und Ausstellungsprojekts “RhyCycling”. Institute for European Ethnology, Humboldt University Berlin, workshop/colloquium, 9.6.2015
- RhyCycling – Esthetics of sustainability in the Basel Border Area. Material demonstrator http://explore-rhycycling.ixdm.ch in collaboration with web designer Samuel Hanselmann 2015.
- In Flux – Approaching Water Ecologies with Artistic-Scientific Practice, lecture at conference Acqua Roma – Nourisher of Life and Bearer of Meaning, Istituto Svizzero Rome 16.10.19. http://istitutosvizzero.it
In the context of the research project Times of Waste
- Input 1, lecture at workshop with project partners of Times of Waste, CML/IXDM HGK Basel, 15.10.15
- Times of Waste, lecture at Tag der Forschung HGK, Basel, 18.5.2016
- Times of Waste – Research in Progress; exhibition contribution (photo loop, sound essay, poster) & project presentation at Behind the Smart World, Waste(d)!, exhibition at Art meets Radical Openness Festival Linz/A, 25.-28.5.2016
- 4S/EASST Barcelona, Science & technology by other means: Exploring collectives, spaces and futures: Traces of Waste – A Site-Specific Audio Walk. Lecture, audio walk, 31.08.-03.09.2016
- Transmedia Matters? Researching Electronic Waste, 3./4.11.16, lecture at workshop of the Times of Waste research team at CML/HeK; with international researchers/artists (funded by the SNSF)
- How to deal with the leftovers? Laser Talk Zurich, 5.9.17; lecture/discussion in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin, Yvonne Volkart and Heinz Böni/Empa
- Form der Zusammenarbeit: Ökologisch. Erfahrungen transdisziplinärer Kollaborationen im Forschungsprojekt Times of Waste, conference Zusammenarbeit(en), Collegium Helveticum/ISEK Zurich, 5./6.10.17
- Immersion, Agency and Cultural Imaginaries: The changing forms of documentary arts in research, education and the public sphere, preparations for roundtable/panel, American Anthropological Association Washington/USA, 29.11.-3.12.17
- Open Lab Days, ixdm/CML 12.-16.2.18, with Marion Mertens
- Müll sichtbar machen, interview in the radio emission Müll oder nicht Müll, SRF2Kultur / Kontext 17.4.2018, 57 minutes (Flavia Caviezel). https://www.srf.ch/audio/kontext/muell-oder-kein-muell?id=11306750
- Das Ding der Woche: Elektroschrott, Radio Stadtfilter Winterthur, interview in 4 parts in the context of the exhibition at Gewerbemuseum Winterthur (23:24 min.), 18.-21.9.18; http://stadtfilter.ch/das-ding-der-woche-elektroschrott/
- Metalle sterben nie, contribution at panel talk, exhibition opening Gewerbemuseum Winterthur 20.9.18
- Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur, dialogic tour with Mario Pellin 10.3.19
- Smartphone Object Biography – Work in Progress, lecture at International Ethnographic Film Festival Koblenz/D, 11.5.18
- Times of Waste – Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte. BA Industial Design ZHdK, 26.11.19.
- Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, lecture at ETH lecture series Kunst- und Architekturgeschichte VI: Digital Matters von Dr. Nina Zschocke 8.4.19, with Mirjam Bürgin
- Brüche und Fragmentierungen. Eine Smartphone Objektbiografie als Präsentationsformat transnationaler künstlerischer Forschung, lecture at Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Volkskunde, in collaboration with ISEK, 17.4.19
- In Flux – Approaching Water Ecologies with Artistic-Scientific Practice, lecture at conference Acqua Roma – Nourisher of Life and Bearer of Meaning, Istituto Svizzero Rome 16.10.19. http://istitutosvizzero.it
- Smartphone Objektbiografie: Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte eines Online-Archivs, interdisciplinary lectures on Sustainability in Design and Art – Circularity, Ecology and social Utopia after the Area of Growth, in the context of the focus Digital Sustainability, HSLU Design & Kunst 6.11.19.
- Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt im Kunstgewerbemuseum, talk about the exhibition, Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg Kultur, 23.1.20.
- Nomatark Environmental Cinema Basel, talk about Times of Waste, 5.9.20, in collaboration with Marion Mertens.
- Conversation-based contribution edited by Lara Chapman (Royal Academy of Art The Hague) about Times of Waste and the Smartphone Object Biography, The Lectorate Design 30.10.20 https://www.kabk.nl/en/lectorates/design/times-of-waste-smartphone-object-biography.
- The interview-based contribution by Martina Huber about Times of Waste for the digitec series Des Mobiltelefons letzte Reise (part 4), 9.12.2020: https://www.digitec.ch/de/page/des-mobiltelefons-letzte-reise-teil-4-das-problem-der-rohstoffe-und-seltenen-erden-18586.
- Tracing – Artistic-scientific practice in transnational research. Mirjam Bürgin & Flavia Caviezel in conversation with Astrid Schwarz & Baruch Gottlieb (BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg), Symposium Times of Waste – Handling Matter, 17.-18.6.2021 http://times-of-waste.ch/de/symposium/.
- Learning from – beyond human agency, contribution for the roundtable Breathing, Modality and Human-Nonhuman Interaction: A Roundtable On Learning Ways to Address Environmental Conditions through the Electronic Literature and the Arts, together with Pat Badani, Roderick Coover, Søren Pold, Anna Nacher, Electronic Literature Organisation/ International Conference and Media Arts Festival ELO 22, Como 31.5.22.
- Der Müll. Die Kunst und ein Museum”. ARTE emission containing a discussion with Flavia Caviezel on the audio walk wastescapes. ARTE/Twist 23.10.2022.
General Lectures
- Caviezel, Flavia/Dumond, Camille/Gisler, Priska/Mader, Rachel/Peyer, Siri/Schwander, Markus (SARN): Walk on the Wild Side? Questioning the Impact of Artistic Research. Lecture and Performance, ELIA/HGK Conference Economies of Aesthetics, Basel 18.-20.6.15 Presentation at ELIA conference 2015
For detailed information see as well https://flaviacaviezel.ch
Solo Exhibitions
- 1996: Schweizerisches Alpines Museum Bern
- 2003: Canberra Museum and Gallery, Canberra (AUS)
- 2006: Check on Arrival – Grenzland Flughafen Landesmuseum Zürich
- 2008: Solothurner Filmtage, Freitagsgalerie
- 2008: Kunstraum Sandra Romer Chur
- 2012: RhyCycling – Grenzraum im Fluss, interactive computer installation, video projections, sound installations, Uferstrasse 90/Klybeckquai Basel; developed 2011-12 in collaboration with the research team: Mirjam Bürgin, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, and many others.
https://rhycycling.ixdm.ch (project website)
https://www.explore-rhycycling.ixdm.ch (material demonstrator) - 2017: Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Exhibition at Museum der Kulturen Basel, 23.4.-24.9.17; assemblage of video essay, video animation, audio essay, soundscape, metal object, booklet (g/e); developed 2016-17 in collaboration with the research team: Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, Sonia Malpeso, and many others.
www.times-of-waste.ch (project website)
https://times-of-waste.ch/de/ausstellung (exhibition abstracts)
https://times-of-waste.ch/de/ausstellung/dokumentation-2017 (exhibition documentations) - 2017-18: wastescapes – an audio walk in the trinational Basel border area. Port area and solar ferry, different walks from Spring 17 to Summer 18; developed 2015-17 in collaboration with the research team: Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, Sonia Malpeso. https://times-of-waste.ch/de/audiowalk (project dokumentation)
- 2018: Smartphone Object Biography, g/e version, additionary exhibition element and online archive; developed 2017-18 in collaboration with the research team: Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Adrian Demleitner, Marion Mertens, Yvonne Volkart, Sonia Malpeso. www.objektbiografie.times-of-waste.ch
- 2018-19: Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Gewerbemuseum Winterthur; with panel Metalle sterben nie and exhibition tours, 20.9.18-17.3.19; with Mirjam Bürgin https://www.gewerbemuseum.ch/ausstellungen/times-of-waste
- 2020: Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin 25.1.-22.3.20, in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin. Repair Atelier with supporting program in collaboration with BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg.
Group Exhibitions
- 1998/99: Jahresausstellung Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
- 2002: Institut für digitale Kultur Palais Besenval Solothurn
- 2003: Zero Light CSA Gallery Canberra/AUS
- 2003/04: Jahresausstellung Kunstszene Zürich
- 2004: State Circle Woden Town Square & National Gallery of Australia, Canberra/AUS
- 2006: BalkanTV: Love&Peace. Binz 39, Kino Riff Raff and different public places in Zurich
- 2007: VOYEUR International Video Collective Exhibitions in Melbourne/AUS, Tucson/USA, Fiskars/SF, Amsterdam/NL
- 2007/08: Jahresausstellung Kunstszene Zürich
- 2008: Top of Experience oder die Kunst der Erlebniswelt Kunstpanorama/Kunsthalle Luzern
- 2008: Kult Zürich Aussersihl – das andere Gesicht Galerie/Museum Baviera Zürich
- 2009: Langer Samstag Chur
- 2009: CSA Gallery Canberra/AUS
- 2010: extended mind – CLUB im erweiterten Denkraum Les Routiers Zürich
- 2011: Malzfabrik Berlin/D
- 2011: Platznot – Platzwechsel. Die Sammlung in Bewegung Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
- 2011: From above! Kunstraum Sandra Romer Chur
- 2011/12: Jahresausstellung Kunstszene Zürich
- 2012: Kunsthaus Deutschvilla Strobl/A
- 2012: Grösser als Zürich – Kunst in Aussersihl Helmhaus Zürich
- 2012: Video Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
- 2012/13: Jahresausstellung Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
- 2013: NATUR and experimenta13 Basel
- 2013: Environmental days Basel
- 2013: Electronic Visualisation and the Arts EVA London, Conference exhibition
- 2013: Internationale Bauausstellung IBA Basel 2020, project show
- 2013/14: Remember Lucerne – Tourismus gestalten, Historic Museum Lucerne
- 2014: International Ethnographic Film Festival Göttingen, Conference exhibition
- 2016: Times of Waste – Research in Progress, Fotoloop/Soundessay/Poster für Ausstellung Waste(d)!, Art meets Radical Openness Festival AMRO Linz, 25.-28.5.2016, with Mirjam Bürgin, Anselm Caminada, Yvonne Volkart http://kairus.org/amro-art-meets-radical-openness-2016/
- 2016: Reset Modernity! Exhibition by Bruno Latour/AIME Team, ZKM Karlsruhe, 16.4.-21.8.16; Design Research/concept development in collaboration with the IXDM team http://www.ixdm.ch/portfolio/reset-modernity/
- 2018: Digital Trash, Stedman Gallery Rutgers University-Camden New Jersey/Philadelphia USA, 5.9.-7.12.18 https://digitalstudies.camden.rutgers.edu/digital-trash-exhibition/
- 2018: Vom Wert des Überbleibsels, Haus zur Glocke Steckborn, 29.9.-27.10.18; with Mirjam Bürgin.
- 2019: Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Design Agenda: future sense, HGK Basel 17.10.-19.11.19, in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin. https://www.fhnw.ch/de/medien/newsroom/medienmitteilungen/medienmitteilungen-2019/design-agenda-future-sense
- 1993: Grain d’or (price for innovation in alpine films) for video Hier ist schön, Festival international du Film Alpin Les Diablerets
- 1995: Film-Directing, grant of the Canton of Bern, committee Film and Video, for the production of the video liminality
- 1999: Videoinstallation In C acquired by the Bündner Kunstmuseum Chur
- 2002/03: Artist in Residence at the Australian National University, Canberra School of Art
- 2006: Artist in Residence and lecturer at Illinois State University/USA, College of Fine Arts/School of Art
Funding of SNSF projects Check on Arrival, RhyCycling, Times of Waste, Transmedia Matters?, and of the Scientific Exchange Grant Toxic Leftovers.
Contributions of project partners and foundations for video (post-) production, project exhibitions, audio walk developments etc.
(since 2012)
- RhyCycling, project presentation at the workshop of the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN, HSLU Design & Art Lucerne, 3.12.2012.
- All eyes on Methods, Basel/CML, Responder, 5.6.2015.
- Research project Grenzgang, HGK Basel, Expertise 29.9.2015.
- Input 1. Workshop with Times of Waste research team and project partners, CML/ixdm, 15.10.2015.
- “GRENZGANG zu Gast im Atelier Mondial”. Research platform, Basel, round table talk, 20.11.2015.
- Communities in Progress II: Syntegrity, workshop; with project presentation Times of Waste, ixdm/CML 15.-18.12.2015 http://www.ixdm.ch/community-in-progress-syntegrity/.
- Sounding Out the Anthropocene, workshop; project presentation Times of Waste, HGK CML, 10.–11.3.2016.
- In which direction does research direct the artist? Sabine Schaschl, Haus Konstruktiv Zürich, Sadie Murdoch, Goldsmiths College London & Sabine Hagmann, Zurich, Goldsmiths Alumni; workshop (organised for the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN), in collaboration with Markus Schwander, 23.3.16.
- Escape from Waste, workshop at Transmediale ever elusive, 2.-5.2.2017, with Yvonne Volkart.
- Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Museum der Kulturen Basel, exhibition talks, April-September 2017.
- wastescapes, audio walk at Basel border/harbour area, evaluation talks, May/June 2017.
- Art Research Work, 3rd conference of the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN; table talk, 8./9.12.17, ZHdK Zurich.
- Beyond Change, Swiss Design Network Summit; moderation, conducting audio walk wastescapes, 8.-10.3.18, HGK FHNW Basel.
- Metalle sterben nie, panel talk at Gewerbemuseum Winterthur 20.9.18 with Flavia Caviezel, Gideon Chonia, IT engineer at Zurich University/electronic projects in West Africa; Astrid Schwarz, Professor Technoscience Studies BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg and Christoph Keller (SRF2Kultur, moderation); organized in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin and the museum team.
- Workshop on methods of the SARN working group Methods & Practices, in the context of the research initiative DACAR – Doing Arth-Goldau–Como as artistic research, 23.-24.5.19 (Hospental/Andermatt) and 22.-23.11.19 (Zug-Weggis-Bürgenstock), in collaboration with Priska Gisler, Christian Ritter, Michaela Büsse https://sarn.ch/research/methods-practices.
- Opening lecture by Clémentine Deliss Fragen zu Transformationsprozessen bei der Erforschung von Sammlungsartefakten and dialogical tour at the opening of Times of Waste – Was übrig bleibt, Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin 24.1.20, in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin and the museum team https://www.smb.museum/ausstellungen/detail/design-lab-5/.
- Times of Waste – Handling Matter, online symposium 17.-18.6.21, conceptualized 2020/21 and curated in collaboration with Mirjam Bürgin; realized with the Medienwerkstatt and Eventtechnik HGK FHNW, the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Kunstgewerbemuseum Berlin http://times-of-waste.ch/de/symposium.
- Online publication of all the symposium’s contributions, in collaboration with Katharina Kemmerling and Mirjam Bürgin 2021. http://times-of-waste.ch/de/symposium/.
- Traversing Topologies: Imagining worlds and knowledge with/through artistic research, conference of the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN 2021-22; Launch: 25.9.21 HSLU Lucerne; Festival: 13.-14.5.2022, SUPSI/Ticino, édhéa/Valais, HSLU/Hospental/Andermatt; collaboration on the concept. https://traversingtopologies.org.
- Workshop contribution on methods of artistic research: Stop or Go: A workshop on mobility, transport and storage of goods in the Southern region of Switzerland 13.5.22, with Priska Gisler/working group Methods & Practices and SUPSI.
Peer Reviews
- Peer Reviewer for EVA London International Symposium 2015
- Peer Reviewer for ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Arts 2020
- Peer Reviewer for Swiss Design Network Online Conference 2021
- Peer Reviewer for ISEA International Symposium on Electronic Arts 2025.
Other (associated) Activities
- 2010-2011: BLACKBOX, Corner College Zurich. 10 events on processes of creation in Art and Design. In collaboration with Sabine Hagmann; publication. http://www.kunsthausaussersihl.ch/Archiv
- 2014/2016: Member of the selection committee of the International Ethnographic Film Festival Göttingen GIEFF
- 2017-18: Member of the scientific-artistic board of the GIEFF
- 2019-22: Member of the curatorial team 2Rivers – Cross-Cultural Documentary Cinema, International Film Festival Koblenz; selection, programming, film talks online festival 2020 https://www.2rivers-festival.de.
2019-ongoing: Präsidentin Treibsand, Verein für Ausstellungsentwicklung in Zusammenarbeit mit zeitgenössischen Künstler:innen aus West- und Zentralasien.
Worked as lecturer in the following thematic fields:
- 1999-2007: Zurich University of the Arts, Film/Theory: documentary film (theory/methods), film analysis, film history, interactive forms of re/presentation; several mentorings.
- 2008-ongoing: Basel Academy of Art and Design FHNW
Masterstudio Design: Teaching on (audiovisual) research methods/practices, different forms of observation and dialogue; mentorats - Critical Media Studies: Teaching on (artistic) research methods/practices; (experimental practices of) exhibition evaluation; film studies eg. Science-Fiction Film and posthumanism/enhancement, transformative technologies, entangled coexistence; film analysis; mentorats of master thesis.
- 2013-2015: Collaboration of the Academy of Art and Design Basel and the University of Basel/Seminar für Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie: Raumpraxen in der trinationalen Agglomeration Basel. Grenzüberschreitender Alltag im Fokus von Kunst und Wissenschaft (Pro Helvetia triptic project). Teaching modules and exhibitions at Motoco Mulhouse/F and Museum der Kulturen Basel.
https://www.ixdm.ch/do-you-believe-what-you-see/ - 2016-17: Mentor at Mefistalo Program of the FHNW
External Mentorats, Activities
- 2013: F+F School of Art and Media Design Zurich: Mentoring of a documentary diploma film project
- 2014: University of the Arts Zurich ZHdK: Member of the Jury, Master Colloquium “Transdisciplinarity”
- 2019: HSLU Design&Kunst, Film/Bachelor Video: mentoring of a diploma essay
Head of project and researcher
- 2004-2006: Check it – Grenzgänge im Flughafen Zürich (SNF/DoRe), project management in collaboration with Susanna Kumschick; exhibition Check on Arrival – Grenzland Flughafen at Landesmuseum Zürich (autumn 2006); since 2007 other exhibitions, lectures and project presentations; online demonstrator; DVD. https://www.emuseum.ch/objects/53389/check-on-arrival--grenzland-flughafen
- 2010-2013: RhyCycling – Ästhetik der Nachhaltigkeit im Basler Grenzraum (SNF/DoRe), with exhibition RhyCycling – Fluid Borderland at the port of Basel (2012); since 2012/13 other group/conference exhibitions, lectures, film festivals, project presentations etc.; german/english online version; publications. http://www.rhycycling.ixdm.ch / online demonstrator: www.explore-rhycycling.ixdm.ch
- 2010-2013: Kompetenzaufbau Forschung in den Künsten, initiative of different institutes of the HGK, supported by the Staatssekretariat für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation SBFI; publikation Forschungsskizzen. www.scheidegger-spiess.ch
- 2013-2015: Raumpraxen in der trinationalen Agglomeration Basel. Grenzüberschreitender Alltag im Fokus von Kunst und Wissenschaft (Pro Helvetia, Triptic project); a collaboration of the Academy of Art and Design Basel and the University of Basel/Seminar für Kulturwissenschaft und Europäische Ethnologie; in co-operation with Dr. Ina Dietzsch and Brigitte Lustenberger; responsible for the contribution of the HGK (content, coordination) and the exhibitions. http://www.ixdm.ch/portfolio/spacial-perception-trinational-agglomeration-basel / http://www.triptic-culture.net / http://www.ixdm.ch/do-you-believe-what-you-see
- 2015-2017: wastescapes – an audio walk in the Basel border area; walks and evaluation talks in May/June 2017; further walks in autumn 2017 (WWF volunteers) and at Beyond Change, SDN Summit, 8.-10.3.2018. https://times-of-waste.ch/de/audiowalk
- 2015-2018: Times of Waste (SNF); with exhibition, audio walk, panel, workshops, publications, online smartphone object biography/archive
http://objektbiografie.times-of-waste.ch (smartphone object biography/project archive) - 2021-22: Toxic Leftovers (SNSF Scientific Exchange Grant), collaboration with Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (Exzellenzcluster Matters of Activity/Object Space Agency).
Worked as researcher in the following projects
- 2000: Innovative Ansätze zur Präsentation medialer Kunstwerke am Beispiel von VIPER (Machbarkeitsstudie KTI)
- 2003-2005: Das Menschenbild im Bildarchiv. Zur Funktion und Qualität von Schweizer Fotoarchiven (KTI); publication.
- 2006-2007: Audiovisually oriented projects:
- Brands&Branding – Topologien zeitgenössischer Markenkultur (SNF/DoRe), Publikation. http://www.ith-z.ch/forschung/abgeschlossene-forschungsprojekte/brandsbranding
- Und plötzlich China! Das Setting ‚Schweiz’ im globalisierten Tourismus (KTI), DVD, exhibition.
- 2007-2009: Nutzungsmanagement im öffentlichen Raum (KTI), publication, DVD (video essay). Nutzungsmanagement
- 2007-2011: Schule im Alpinen Raum. Cooperation of PH Vorarlberg, PH Graubünden, PH St. Gallen, PH Wallis (Interreg IV/EU), publication.
- 2012-2013: Large Scale indoor Tracking (SI FHNW); Audioguide; Soundwalks at Badischer Bahnhof 8.-13.9.2013; http://blogs.fhnw.ch/indoortracking
- 2015-16: Reset Modernity!; Exhibition at ZKM Karlsruhe, 16.4.-21.8.16 www.zkm.de / http://www.ixdm.ch/portfolio/reset-modernity/
- 2016-17: Supervision of expert interviews for KTI research project Ubiquitous Computing für Wissensvermittlung, Ausstellungsdesign und Museumsbetrieb https://ubimus.ixdm.ch/
- 1993-99: Board member of the Commission of audiovisual documentation of the Swiss Ethnological Society SEG
- 1994-2008: Member of The Videos, an association (until 2008) of video artists from Zurich/Basel
- 2007-09: Board member and co-founder of the Verein Kunsthaus Aussersihl – Produktion, Diskussion und Präsentation zeitgenössischer Kunst und Kultur
- 2010-ongoing: Board member of the Swiss Artistic Research Network SARN
- 2010-ongoing: Member of the Society of Artistic Research SAR
Flavia Caviezel
- PI/Senior Researcher und Dozentin IXDM/CML
- Telefonnummer
- 061 228 41 23 (Direkt)
- ZmxhdmlhLmNhdmllemVsQGZobncuY2g=
- Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel FHNW
Institute Experimental Design and Media Cultures (IXDM)
Freilager-Platz 1
4142 Münchenstein b. Basel - Raum D 3.01
Institute Experimental Design und Media Cultures (IXDM)
- Telefon
- +41 61 228 40 22
- aW5mby5peGRtLmhna0BmaG53LmNo