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Küllenberg, J.K., Niermann, D., Becker, S. and Körner, M. (2022). From approachables on the sidelines to dedicated sensitives: developing a leadership typology among healthcare leaders utilizing grounded theory, Journal of Health Organization and Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JHOM-01-2022-0018
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Stiawa, M., Peters, M., Mulfinger, N., Krumm, S., Worringer, B., Maatouk, I., Küllenberg, J., Junne, F., Genrich, M., Gündel, H., & Puschner, B. (2021). Stress Occurs Every Day - Reasons for Work-Related Burden in Hospitals and Coping of StaffA Qualitative Study. Psychiatrische Praxis. https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1477-6000