Prof. Dr. Michael Pülz
Prof. Dr. Michael Pülz
Tätigkeiten an der FHNW
Leiter des Studiengangs BSc Business Information Technology
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedSchuler, B., & Pülz, M. (2024). The establishment of an asynchronous e-learning course in higher education – challenges and guidance to overcome them. The Southeast Asian Conference on Education 2024: Official Conference Procceedings, 253–267.
Peer-reviewedSchuler, B., Pülz, M., & Berger, F. (2023). The implementation of an asynchronous e-learning course in higher education – Lessons learned. The Paris Conference on Education. Official Conference Proceedings, 717–730.
Peer-reviewedTelesko, R., Ochsenbein, G., Röhm, R., Reber, A., Pülz, M., & Loosli, C. (2022). Implementing the AoL standard for the WI and BIT curricula in AACSB – Lessons learned at the FHNW. ECE 2022. The 10th European Conference on Education. Official Conference Proceedings, 47–59.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2021). Java or Python: which programming language is more suitable for an introductory business IT course? 2021 Clute International Conference on Education Las Vegas.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2018). Programming in an undergraduate business curriculum. 2018 Clute International Academic Conference on Business.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2016). Accreditation Of An International Bachelor Program Spanning Three Countries. In R. C. Clute (Ed.), 2016 International Education Conference New Orleans, LA, USA.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2014). Mindfulness at the Workplace - A Lifeline for All of Us? Twenty-First Annual Conference on International Business and Contemporary Issues in Business October 8th-October 11th, 2014.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2013). Traditional versus Agile Methods in Information Systems Projects - A Case of an Online-Travel Agency in Switzerland. Twentieth Annual Conference on International Business and Contemporary Issues in Business.
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2012). Bachelor of Science in International Business Management - a tri-national program between Switzerland, France and Germany. In W. Broucek, C. Hauck, P. Kendall, & H. Schacht (Eds.), Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference on International Business and Contemporary Issues in Business.
Pülz, M. (2008). Entwicklung eines konfigurierbaren Standard-Empfehlungssystems für die Shop-Software von myfactory.BusinessWorld. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Leimstoll, U., Stormer, H., Schneider, R., Pülz, M., & Quade, M. H. (2008). Profile und Technologien der Personalisierung. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW, Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Pülz, M. (2006). Fallstudie Wyser AG: Geschäftsübergreifende Prozessintegration (ABACUS Research AG Zehnder Informatik GmbH). In M. Pülz (ed.), Prozessexzellenz mit Business Software (pp. 39–52). Hanser.
Pülz, M., & Leimstoll, U. (2005). Entwicklung von Personalisierungsfunktionen für das EcoWeb der Ecomedia AG. Fachhochschule beider Basel (FHBB), Institut für angewandte Betriebsökonomie (IAB).
Pülz, M. (2005). GmbH: Prozess- und Logistikintegration. In Integrierte Geschäftsprozesse mit Business Software (pp. 49–60). Hanser.
Pülz, M. (2003). Fallstudie Feldschlösschen Getränke AG. In P. Schubert, R. Wölfle, & W. Dettling (eds.), E-Business-Integration: Fallstudien zur Optimierung elektronischer Geschäftsprozesse (pp. 207–220). Hanser.
Keine peer-reviewed Inhalte verfügbar
Peer-reviewedSchuler, B., Pülz, M., & Berger, F. (2023). The implementation of an asynchronous e-learning course in higher education – lessons learned. The 2nd Paris Conference on Education (PCE 2023).
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2021). Java or Python: which programming language is more suitable for an introductory business IT course? 2021 Clute International Conference on Education Las Vegas - Technology Track (ICTE).
Peer-reviewedPülz, M. (2017, May 18). Computational thinking and programming - does it make sense in an undergraduate business curriculum. Global Education Conference, University of Riverside.
Prof. Dr. Michael Pülz
- Leiter des Studiengangs BSc Business Information Technology
- Telefonnummer
- +41 61 279 18 42 (Direkt)
- bWljaGFlbC5wdWVsekBmaG53LmNo
- Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW
Hochschule für Wirtschaft
Peter Merian-Strasse 86
4052 Basel