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Psychological Counselling Centre FHNW

Our Psychological Counselling Centre is the first point of contact for students at the FHNW. We provide independent, client-oriented counselling. The discussions are free of charge and confidential.

In case of acute crises and emergencies, please see below for emergency services that provide immediate help.

We support and offer psychological counselling on such topics as: 

  • Personal crises
  • Orientation guidance
  • Decision conflicts
  • Anxieties
  • Depressive moods
  • Social isolation
  • Conflicts and issues of personal development
  • Blockades
  • Examination pressure
  • Dealing with loss/grief

If necessary, students receive support in the search for further counselling offers, for example, with a psychotherapeutic specialist.

The psychologists are distributed over the different locations. The students are free to decide which person they contact. The counselling sessions can take place either online, by phone or on site at the campus and are available in German and English.

To arrange an appointment, contact us by email:cHN5Y2hvbG9naXNjaGUtYmVyYXR1bmdAZmhudy5jaA==.

Emergency and urgent crises

In case of urgent psychological crises (for example extreme anxiety, acute suicidality, paranoia, etc.) you can contact your GP, physician or the cantonal psychological emergency services at any time:

Alternatively, you can contact «Heart2Heart» (emergency number for mental health) at any time (24 hours/day) via phone 143 or online The English line is available on T 0800 143 000 daily from 6 pm to 11 pm.

In case of danger of death or physical harm, contact the police (phone 117) or the emergency line (phone 144).