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The FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland leverages its global network and global collaboration for teaching and research purposes. It makes its international expertise available to the Swiss economy and society. It offers people from all over the world a diverse and practically oriented programme of education and learning.

The FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland is a highly innovative education and research institution with strong regional ties as well as national and international networks. Its ten schools foster a discerning, critically reflective and ethical stance in their students, continuing education participants and staff and support them in developing “global competencies”. Practical, disciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes and mobility opportunities enable members of the FHNW to identify opportunities and challenges in a world that is dynamically changing, and to work in teams developing forward-looking solutions to pressing problems.

The FHNW’s internationalist position offers students and researchers opportunities to exchange and collaborate with partner institutions in all regions of the world and political systems. This produces professionals with an intercultural understanding of the working world and society. Their experience of international collaboration promotes an enduring added value, namely diversity.

Studying at FHNW

When you study at FHNW we provide an international setting in which to prepare you for a globalized working environment.

to Studying at FHNW

Offers for Outgoing Students

Opportunities for shorter and lengthier stays abroad during your studies.

to Offers for Outgoing Students

International Short-term Programmes

Are you not able to or do you not want to spent a whole semester abroad?

to International Short-term Programmes

Continuing Education

FHNW provides a well-founded, diverse and individual range of continuing education programmes.

to Continuing Education

International Research

Research is always geared towards international developments. This is why research projects at FHNW are not just organised within the national context of ...

to International Research

The Schools’ International Offices

The International Offices are central points of contact for student and employee exchanges and for partner institutions

to The Schools’ International Offices

Information on Switzerland

Would you like to study in Switzerland? The information provided here is designed to help you.

to Information on Switzerland

The FHNW Latin American Centre

The FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland has retained an involvement with Latin America for over ten years and is constantly ...

to The FHNW Latin American Centre

Latin American Centre de la FHNW

La universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Artes del Noroeste de Suiza FHNW participa desde hace más de diez años en proyectos en Latinoamérica y amplía ...

to Latin American Centre de la FHNW

International Network of the FHNW

The FHNW has a broad international network at its disposal.

to International Network of the FHNW

Contact point for people from Ukraine / Контактна особа для тих, хто прибув з України

Information for refugee students and researchers from Ukraine. / Інформація для студентів та дослідників, які є біженцями з України.

Weitere Informationen / Інформація

Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP / Erasmus+

The Swiss Programme for Erasmus+ for higher education is called Swiss-European Mobility Programme SEMP. SEMP gives Swiss higher education institutions the possibility to support students as well as teaching and administrative staff doing a study-, training- or teaching-mobility with funding. For further information on SEMP please contact the International Offices of the FHNW Schools or visit Movetia.

Campus and university sports

The FHNW has four main campuses in the region of northwestern Switzerland. Information about the infrastructure and sports facilities at the individual locations can be found on the individual campus pages.

Staff Mobility

We also want our staff to gain international experience and cultivate exchange. For example, lecturers and staff participate in:

  • International research projects
  • Research networks
  • Conferences
  • Workshops
  • International Weeks at our partner universities
  • Study trips

Lecturers pass on these experiences to their students in class, and foreign lecturers regularly hold guest lectures at the FHNW. Administration, libraries and services staff also contribute to the international atmosphere.


Standing Committee on International Affairs FHNW