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The team of the research field Sustainable Resources Management of the Institute of Ecopreneurship FHNW.

Team Leader

Prof. Dr. Christoph Hugi
Prof. Dr. Christoph Hugi

Institute Leader (interim), Institute for Ecopreneurship

Telephone +41 61 228 55 84 (direct)

Team Members

Dr. Christian Abshagen
Lena Breitenmoser
Lena Breitenmoser

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 55 39 (direct)
Thomas Gross
Thomas Gross

Research Associate

Telephone +41 61 228 56 54 (direct)
Dirk Hengevoss
Dirk Hengevoss

Research Associate in sustainable resource management

Telephone +41 61 228 55 98 (direct)
Victor Misev
Victor Misev

Research Assistant

Telephone +41 61 228 60 48 (direct)
Dominik Nguyen
Dominik Nguyen

Scientific Assistant

Dr. Emmanuel Oertlé
Karina Rohrer
Karina Rohrer

Research Assistant

Andreina Schweizer

Institute for Ecopreneurship

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
More information about the location