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Effects of single organic substances and mixtures on organisms

The environment contains a large number of anthropogenic substances such as pesticides, pharmaceutical residues and industrial chemicals. These can have negative effects on individual organisms and on an entire ecosystem. Understanding the effects of single substances and mixtures therefore plays a central role in our research group. We investigate the effects of single substances and mixtures on different organisms such as honey bees and gammarids, both in laboratory experiments and in field studies. Different endpoints such as mortality, reproduction, behavior and gene expression are analyzed. In addition to experimental data, we calculate potential negative effects of mixtures based on single substance data.


Effects of plant protection products on honey bees

to Effects of plant protection products on honey bees

Effects of pesticides and other environmental chemicals on the behavior and gene expression of gammarids

to Effects of pesticides and other environmental chemicals on the behavior and gene expression of gammarids

Pesticide monitoring

to Pesticide monitoring

Effects of pesticides on the microbiological community in soils of agroecosystems

to Effects of pesticides on the microbiological community in soils of agroecosystems

Institute for Ecopreneurship

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences, Institute for Ecopreneurship Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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