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Project start: Scaling Material Urban Commons

27.8.2021 | Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel, Institut Experimentelles Design und Medienkulturen

"Scaling Material Urban Commons" is a three year speculative city-making project launching at the Critical Media Lab Basel

"Scaling Material Urban Commons" is investigating predictive automated logistics for commoning rescued food. Introducing predictive technology shifts the site of commoning away from the hyperlocal and closer towards an algorithm-driven platform, which raises following key questions: What frictions emerge from changing scale in commoning? How to reconcile predictive technologies with local, idiosyncratic food cultures? How to engage in commoning with algorithmic agents in participatory settings?

By addressing these questions, the project aims at creating imaginaries of commoning-based smart city alternatives.

Please reach out to principal investigator Viktor Bedö at dmlrdG9yLmJlZG9lQGZobncuY2g= if you want to learn more about the project or would like to cooperate.

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