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Institute for Social Planning, Organisational Change and Urban Development

Our work focuses on social change.

Social change means that society is changing. Change can be observed on many levels: social structure (macro-level); institutions and organisations (meso-level); individuals and their life-situations (micro-level). We address these changes and their consequences in our core working areas: social planning, organisational change, and urban development. Our consultancy and further training are closely related to our state-of-the-art research and its cutting-edge findings.

About us

Institute staff undertake research and development, provide services, run further education programmes, and teach on the FHNW’s Bachelor and Master of Arts in Social Work.


Portrait of Matthias DrillingProf. Dr. Matthias Drilling, Head of Institute
T +41 61 228 59 12

FHNW School of Social Work, Muttenz

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Social Work Hofackerstrasse 30 CH-4132 Muttenz