Further articles

Nanoparticles in complex matrices, NEWS

New Publication!

The findings of the "SiNP Food" project are now published and open access in ACS Omega

Projects, NEWS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor – Core 2G BIOS

Colorimetric Reflective Dual Grating Biosensor - Core 2G BIOS

NEWS, About

🎇 They did it! 🎆

FHNW School of Life Sciences, Diploma celebration 2023


Welcome Rina Tetaj!

Welcome Rina Tetaj!


Insight into nano!

The NanoScience class of the Gymnasium Kirschgarten visits our nanoLab FHNW and gets some hands-on experience on how to research the small!

Raman visualisation of ovarian cancer cells

Welcome Alessandro Stumpo!

Alessandro Stumpo started his PhD project in August 2021 with the title “Goldnanoparticle assemblies for SERS based detection of EGFR expressing ovarian cancer cells in tumor xenografts” in the NanoLab. It is a collaboration with Prof.Dr. V. Heinzelmanns group from University Hospital Basel , Prof. Dr. Scott McNeil from University of…

SAP Hydrogel

Congratulations to Samuel Regenass, BSc!

Samuel Regenass successfully finished his Bachelor project in August 2021 with the title “Kinetic characterization of the P11-4 self-assembly behaviour” in the NanoLab in collaboration with credentis AG and is supervised by Michael Hug, Dr. Dominik Lysek and Dr. Lucy Kind Samuel Regenass on Linkedin…


Congratulation to Seraina Hofmann BSc!

BSc Project of Seraina Hofmann

Projects, Nanoparticles in complex matrices

“Less is more” – High-throughput nanoparticle detection for quality control of complex food matrices

Method of low concentrated nanoparticles in complex matrices is developed to quantify possible [nano] contamination.
