
Scientific editing: a many-level task

Brigitte Sprenger | 19. June 2018
Editing an English language document (B42ART) – Bildquellen: Annabel Smith 2016

Editing your paper or article has to be done at different levels. Dawn Field wrote on the Oxford University Press (OUP) blog this week that there are four main stages:

  1. Scientific editing
  2. Developmental (or structural) editing
  3. Line editing
  4. Proof editing

Most important is the scientific editing where, among others, there is the “determination of the value of the scientific content”, whether the targeting is correct, whether there’s enough evidence to support the interpretations, whether the argumentation is logical.

Schlagworte: editing, FHNW School of Business, scientific editing, scientific writing, writing blog, Writing Hub, Zentrum Schreiben

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