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Diversity and equal opportunities

The FHNW aims to ensure equal opportunities at all levels. By committing to a diversity-based study, continuing education and work environment, it is expressly in favour of embracing diversity and against discrimination, sexual harassment and bullying.

News – projects from the FHNW’s schools

All nine of the FHNW’s schools have numerous projects that explore or implement the topic of diversity from a wide range of perspectives.

Happy Pride Month!


Every year in June, rainbow flags appear on the several Campus of the FHNW and the LGBTIQ+-community is in focus. The acronym stands for lesbian, gay, bi-, inter-, and transsexual and queer people. For more than 50 years, the community celebrates sexual diversity and protests against discrimination and lack of equality.

The FHNW shows its support for the community and makes queer people visible by hoisting flags on its campuses. Throughout the year, the FHNW and its diversity department are committed to fostering an inclusive campus culture.

See also the research cooperation on the inclusion of LGBTIQ+ students in Swiss Higher Education institutions of BFH, PH Bern and FHNW in the programme ‘Diversität, Inklusion und Chancengerechtigkeit in der Hochschulentwicklung’ supported by swissuniversities.

Sexual Harassment Awareness Day

Sexual Harassment Awareness Day 2024Sexism and sexual harassment exist in Swiss academia. On 25. April 2024, the Swiss higher education bodies hold the second national Sexual Harassment Awareness Day. The FHNW offers information and awareness meetings.

Programme of the Sexual Harassment Awareness Day an FHNW (German) 

Anti-racist aware University


Racism does also exist within higher education institutions. A lack of representation and participation of non-white university members, eurocentric perspectives and various discriminations are just a few examples. Universities must take an active stance in the debate about racism to question and counter structural racism. This needs knowledge and awareness to recognise racism and it needs the language and the courage to call out racism. A multi-days workshop in spring 2024 made FHNW members aware of multiple dimensions of discrimination. More workshops and events are planned.

All-Gender WCs

gender.jpgStarting this semester, there will be designated all-gender WCs at most FHNW locations. These are single-user WCs and are open to everyone - women, men and people who do not assign themselves to the binary gender system. This allows everyone to use the toilet that corresponds to their own gender identity and expression. Gender-neutral WCs thus contribute to the maintenance and promotion of mental and physical health. They ensure safety and create a discrimination-free environment for diverse people. Providing gender-neutral WCs is a simple but effective step in promoting equality for people regardless of their gender identity. An overview of the currently available All-Gender WCs can be found under the heading "Queerness" within Inside FHNW (Intranet).

Job profile: lecturer university of applied sciences

220804-karrierestart-fh.jpgThe job description of a university of applied sciences lecturer is relatively young and unknown. In addition, universities of applied sciences find it difficult to recruit qualified women for teaching positions. The project team of ‘Berufsbild Fachhochschuldozentin’ will present the job description and career paths as part of a series of events entitled ‘Career Start at Universities of Applied Sciences’. Participation is free of charge. Registration for the workshops. More information and background on the project ‘Dozent*innen FH: Geschlechterintegratives Branding umsetzen

Topics and tasks

Further information

See the contact addresses in ‘Inside FHNW’ for details of the diversity officers of the individual schools (access for FHNW members only).

The «Guide for University Practice» illustrates how diversity is embraced by different people at the FHNW. The brochure encourages thought and critical reflection on our own behaviour and presents approaches to shape diversity.


Brochure Diversity at the FHNW (PDF, 199 KB, German)