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PHD Programmes

MAKE/SENSE PhD programme in partnership with the University of the Arts Linz

The MAKE/SENSE PhD programme is offered in partnership with the University of the Arts Linz and is funded by swissuniversities. PhDs in the field of practice-based research in art and design are supported. The programme aims to collectively explore the potential of practice-based research in art and design for sociocultural, political and ecological transformations.

MAKE/SENSE is a “low-residency programme”. Residence in Basel is not required. The programme itself does not provide financial support for the dissertation.     

After admission to the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme, PhD candidates are enrolled at the University of Art and Design Linz, according to its admission procedures and tuition fees. The PhD candidates receive supervision in Basel and Linz and participate in the colloquia in Linz.

MAKE/SENSE complements the colloquia in Linz with a study programme that typically focuses on two weeks per year (one in the spring and one in the fall). The programme includes project presentations, reading groups, generic skills workshops, screenings, and curated events organized by the PhD candidates in collaboration with guests.

A joint event is held with the University of Art and Design Linz once a year. The MAKE/SENSE PhD programme cooperates with the Diamond Open Access Journal Brand-New-Life to publish content from the PhD candidates.  


Interested parties can find further information on the MAKE/SENSE website; the current Calls for Applications are also published there.  

If you have any questions about the application process, please email the head of the MAKE/SENSE PhD programme. 

Dreispitz Basel

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland Basel Academy of Art and Design Freilager-Platz 1 4142 Münchenstein near Basel
More information about the location