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Scientific synergies: A successful collaboration between Professor Renzo Raso and Giulia Venuti

In the labs at the FHNW School of Life Sciences (HLS), many international students find the perfect environment for internships and their Bachelor's or Master's theses. An excellent example of the success that hosting international students can bring for the HLS is the collaboration between Prof. Dr. Renzo Raso and Giulia Venuti, an MSc student from the University of Bologna.

Renzo Raso, a firm advocate of student exchanges, stresses the significance of international cooperation for scientific research: "In our highly networked world, it is pivotal to exchange across geographical and cultural borders."

Giulia Venuti found out about the opportunity with Raso's team thanks to her enthusiasm for studying abroad, which had already started at secondary school. The first conversation with Prof. Raso was key to her motivation: "That discussion reinforced my decision to come here for my Master's project." There was a short period of acclimatisation to the academic environment in Switzerland, with its refreshing informality of student/professor communication compared to the formal atmosphere at Italian universities. The practical, hands-on learning was also new to Giulia and a stark contrast to the lecture-centred approach prevalent at many universities.

"This partnership has been enriching for all involved, both academically and culturally."

Prof. Dr. Renzo Raso

Giulia's quick grasp of scientific concepts and her genuine passion for research have propelled her projects forward at a rapid pace. "Her arrival and quick integration into the group has allowed us to accelerate the learning process and tackle difficult questions much earlier than we originally thought" says Renzo Raso on the impact of Giulia's contribution.

Despite the occasional stressful moment, Giulia has mastered her workload with ease and takes every opportunity for personal and academic growth.

"Studying abroad is not just about what you learn, but also about the people you meet, the culture you learn about and new life experiences."

Giulia Venuti

The success of the working partnership between Prof. Raso and Giulia Venuti shows how important international exchange is, how it drives science forward and how vital it is to promote it.

FHNW School of Life Sciences

FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland School of Life Sciences Hofackerstrasse 30 CH - 4132 Muttenz
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