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Experience the future: Demonstration of a quantum-safe video conference

Experience the security of tomorrow with a quantum-safe video conference designed to be secure against quantum computing threats.


In the lead-up to World Quantum Day on April 14, a day dedicated to the wonders and possibilities of quantum science, the Lucerne School of Information Technology (HSLU) and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW) are pleased to invite you to a demonstration of what the quantum-safe digital communication of the future might look like.

The challenge of quantum computing

The advent of quantum computing brings huge potential - but also major challenges, especially for the security of the cryptographic systems that protect our digital world. This is because quantum computers are capable of cracking even complex cryptographic algorithms.

The quantum-safe communication channel between the FHNW and HSLU demonstrates how secure communication will remain possible in the future thanks to new advances in post-quantum cryptography.

Event highlight

  • Discover quantum-safe communication: Experience the security of tomorrow with a quantum-safe video conference designed to be secure against quantum computing threats.
  • Insights and Learning: Dive deep into the world of quantum computing and cryptography with presentations and Q&A sessions led by experts in the field.
  • Exclusive preview: Be among the first to see and experience quantum-safe communications in action, just before the global quantum community celebrates World Quantum Day.

Further information can also be found on the website of our research partner, the Lucerne School of Information Technology. To the event at HSLU.


Date and time

12.4.2024, 9:30–13:00 iCal


University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland
Campus Brugg-Windisch, Raum 1.227


Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts – Computer Science, Rotkreuz